

The Rise and Fall of German Chicago: 1865 to WWI (and Beyond)

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In our second episode on German Chicago, Andrew Sola and Sebastian Wuepper discuss the continuing growth and then decline of German Chicago, which largely disappeared with America's entry into WWI in 1917.

Topics include the Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871), which united the German community in Chicago; the importance of German-language newspapers, namely the Illinois Staats-Zeitung; the impact of the Great Chicago Fire (1871) on German communities on the North Side; the next wave of German immigrants who came as industrial workers to help rebuild the city; the left-wing political activities of these new workers, which led to the Great Railroad Strike of 1877 and the Haymarket Square Massacre of 1886; the first conflict between the German Empire and the United States as seen in the Samoan Crisis (1887-1889); the death of German-language newspapers and culture with the onset of WWI; the final wave of German immigrants fleeing communism and the loss of the territories of Silesia, Pomerania and East Prussia following WWII; and the lasting contributions made be German immigrants to Chicago, including gym class in schools, playgrounds in public parks, and homes for senior citizens.


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About this podcast

The year 2024 marks the 30-year anniversary of the Chicago-Hamburg Sister-City Partnership. Join us in celebrating the special relationship with this 30-episode podcast series about the history, culture, literature, music, and people of Chicago. Guests will include scholars, journalists, writers, musicians, and thinkers who all have a special affection for Chicago, Hamburg, and the transatlantic relationship. We will launch our first episode in January 2024.

The podcast is sponsored by the Amerikazentrum-Hamburg, a non-partisan, not-for-profit institute dedicated to increasing transatlantic understanding and strengthening transatlantic relations. The podcast is produced by Andrew Sola. The hosts are Andrew Sola and Douglas Cowie. Wouter Verhulst of The Soundary composed the theme song. Henning Christiansen designed the logo.

The podcast logo evokes an enduring symbol of Chicago, the Ferris wheel, the first of which was built for the World's Columbian Exhibition in Chicago in 1893. The Ferris wheel is also the centerpiece of the Hamburger Dom, Hamburg's carnival, held three times a year in the heart of the city. The stars on the wheel represent the stars on the city flags of Chicago and Hamburg.

by Amerikazentrum-Hamburg and Andrew Sola


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