

Resistance, Removal, Erasure: Indigenous Chicago in the 19th Century

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In our third episode of the series, Andrew Sola and his guests, Dr. Low (Pokagon Band of Potawatomi, Ohio State University-Newark) and Dr. Karamanski (Loyola University-Chicago) tell the story of the indigenous people of Chicagoland from the end of the War of 1812 through their violent removal from the region over the course of the 19th Century.

Specific topics include the various origin stories of the Potawatomi; the willingness of tribes to accommodate and compromise with Americans; the Indian tribe as a construct of the US government; the Indian Removal Act of 1830; the Blackhawk war of 1832; the Treaty of Chicago of 1833; the phenomenon of "Treaty Chiefs," as seen in the cases of Billy Caldwell (British-Potawatomi) and Alexander Robinson (British-Ottawa); the unique story of the Pokagon Band of Potawatomi; the development of Indian boarding schools, whose purpose was to destroy all aspects of indigenous culture and identity; the diverse perspectives of various Indian tribes and bands in their responses to the arrival of Americans; and the Native American perspective about the concept of land ownership.


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About this podcast

The year 2024 marks the 30-year anniversary of the Chicago-Hamburg Sister-City Partnership. Join us in celebrating the special relationship with this 30-episode podcast series about the history, culture, literature, music, and people of Chicago. Guests will include scholars, journalists, writers, musicians, and thinkers who all have a special affection for Chicago, Hamburg, and the transatlantic relationship. We will launch our first episode in January 2024.

The podcast is sponsored by the Amerikazentrum-Hamburg, a non-partisan, not-for-profit institute dedicated to increasing transatlantic understanding and strengthening transatlantic relations. The podcast is produced by Andrew Sola. The hosts are Andrew Sola and Douglas Cowie. Wouter Verhulst of The Soundary composed the theme song. Henning Christiansen designed the logo.

The podcast logo evokes an enduring symbol of Chicago, the Ferris wheel, the first of which was built for the World's Columbian Exhibition in Chicago in 1893. The Ferris wheel is also the centerpiece of the Hamburger Dom, Hamburg's carnival, held three times a year in the heart of the city. The stars on the wheel represent the stars on the city flags of Chicago and Hamburg.

by Amerikazentrum-Hamburg and Andrew Sola


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