

Literature of Chicago #7: Studs Terkel, Historian of the People

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In our third episode celebrating Jewish American History Month for the ChicagoHamburg30 Sister-City Anniversary podcast, we turn to the career of Studs Terkel. Studs was the child of Russian Jewish immigrants, a Pultizer-Prize winning author, and a celebrated oral historian. He became the voice of Chicago over his lengthy career as a radio host.

The conversation touches on many themes, including his seminal work, Working: People Talk About What They Do All Day and How They Feel About What They Do (1974) and Division Street: America (1967).

Our expert guests are Peter T. Alter, Chief Historian at the Chicago History Museum and Director of the Studs Terkel Oral History Center.

Mark Larson is an oral historian and author of Working in the 21st Century: An Oral History of American Work in a Time of Social and Economic Transformation (2024).

You can buy Mark Larson's books here:

Don't forget to visit the Chicago History Museum's research materials here:

And you can listen to the Studs Terkel Radio Archive here:


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About this podcast

The year 2024 marks the 30-year anniversary of the Chicago-Hamburg Sister-City Partnership. Join us in celebrating the special relationship with this 30-episode podcast series about the history, culture, literature, music, and people of Chicago. Guests will include scholars, journalists, writers, musicians, and thinkers who all have a special affection for Chicago, Hamburg, and the transatlantic relationship. We will launch our first episode in January 2024.

The podcast is sponsored by the Amerikazentrum-Hamburg, a non-partisan, not-for-profit institute dedicated to increasing transatlantic understanding and strengthening transatlantic relations. The podcast is produced by Andrew Sola. The hosts are Andrew Sola and Douglas Cowie. Wouter Verhulst of The Soundary composed the theme song. Henning Christiansen designed the logo.

The podcast logo evokes an enduring symbol of Chicago, the Ferris wheel, the first of which was built for the World's Columbian Exhibition in Chicago in 1893. The Ferris wheel is also the centerpiece of the Hamburger Dom, Hamburg's carnival, held three times a year in the heart of the city. The stars on the wheel represent the stars on the city flags of Chicago and Hamburg.

by Amerikazentrum-Hamburg and Andrew Sola


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